Hear from Prof. Harold Thimbleby: Poor research — and how to improve it

We are delighted to announce the speaker for the November Agriforwards seminar: Prof. Harold Thimbleby.

Date:  25th November at 1pm – 2.30pm

Professor Thimbleby will speak as follows:

Poor research — and how to improve it
Broadly speaking, the aim of all research is to increase reliable knowledge, and to increase its scope, reach, and impact.  And increasing reliable knowledge is about creating new ideas, and improving — or rejecting — existing ideas. Knowledge itself may be about the natural world, the social world, the artificial world (robotics, computational models, etc), even about knowledge itself.

We have imperfect knowledge, imperfect skills, conflicts of interest, motivated reasoning, biases, software bugs, and a general propensity to make mistakes — including human errors we don’t notice.

Given the conflict between “reliable knowledge” and “human imperfection” what are the best ways to do good research? There are traditional answers to this question, but also new answers in response to developments in the computational sciences, on which all research is now deeply based. Unfortunately, new sorts of poor research have developed faster than new ways of doing good research. What shall we do?


Prof. Harold Thimbleby PhD FLSW FRCPE FRSM HonFRSA HonFRCP

Harold Thimbleby is See Change Digital Health Fellow at Swansea University, Wales. His passion is designing dependable systems to accommodate human error. Harold is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, the Institute of Engineering Technology, the Learned Society of Wales, and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He has been a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award holder and a Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow. He is Emeritus Gresham Professor of Geometry.


Harold’s web site is www.harold.thimbleby.net


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Webinar ID: 829 4593 1151


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