EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Agri-Food Robotics: AgriFoRwArdS - Elizabeth Sklar portrait

Prof Elizabeth Sklar

Research Interests

Interaction in Multi-Robot and/or Human-Robot systems, including multi-robot team (fleet) coordination, human-robot interaction.


Read more about Elizabeth on her University of Lincoln profile here.

Project Supervision

Primary Supervisor

Cohort 2 CDT Student Amie Owen, who is working with Campden BRI on their PhD project titled ‘Intelligent Automation for Hygiene Maintenance in Food Production Settings’.

Cohort 3 CDT Student Callum Lennox, who is working theĀ Douglas Bomford Trust on their PhD project titled ‘Real-time vision-based spot spraying development for high efficiency and precision weed management’.

Cohort 5 CDT Student Elliot Smith.