EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Agri-Food Robotics: AgriFoRwArdS - Robert Stevenson

Robert Stevenson

  • University of Lincoln

Research Interests

Robotics, Robot Navigation, Robot Hardware/System Design, Mobile Autonomy 

Activities and Outputs

  • Assisted with outreach at Croptec 2023 (Nov 2023)

About me

I have always been interested in robotics and building things but have sometimes struggled to see the applications for robots for uses other than manufacturing. However, by joining the CDT I feel there will be plenty opportunities to explore this within agriculture. 

I am also looking forwards to living in Lincoln, as it will mark the start of a new chapter in my life after I spent the last 4 years living in Norwich completing an MComp in Computer Science at UEA, during which I worked on two robotics related projects.

As I mentioned before “I have always been interested in robotics and building things” and that has not changed much because during my spare time I will be tinkering with some sort of electronics/robot related project with a more “recreational” focus.

However, when not tinkering with tech, I do like to spend some time listening and play music, as I also play bass. 

MSc Project

Title to be confirmed

PhD Project

Title to be confirmed