EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Agri-Food Robotics: AgriFoRwArdS - Fulvio Forni Portrait

Dr Fulvio Forni (Co-Investigator)

Research Interests

Differential methods for system analysis (oscillators, multistable systems). Nonlinear control and hybrid control (electro-mechanical systems, systems with saturations, robotics)


Read more about Fulvio on his University of Cambridge profile here.

Project Supervision

Primary Supervisor

Cohort 2 Student William Rohde, who is working with G’s Growers on their PhD project titled ‘Autonomous monitoring and control of crop growth as a feedback system’.

Cohort 4 Student Yi Zhang, who is working with RT Corporation on their PhD project titled ‘Data-driven autonomous robotic food handling’.

Cohort 5 Student Omar Faris on their PhD project titled ‘Tactile-sensing and augmented reality for robotic manipulation of fruit’.

Secondary Supervisor

Cohort 2 Student Bradley Hurst, who is working with Jersey Farmers’ Union on their PhD project titled ‘Active Robot Perception for Automated Potato Planting‘.

Cohort 3 Student Callum Lennox, who is working with the Douglas Bomford Trust on their PhD project titled ‘Real-time vision-based spot spraying development for high efficiency and precision weed management’.

Cohort 5 CDT Student Emmanuel Soumo, who is working with Crystal Heart Salad on their PhD project titled ‘Reduced-order modelling and control of a greenhouse environment to optimize salad production’